Welcome to Inquiry Editing LLC

where I edit with equity in mind.

I help writers – non-fiction, fiction, and academic – gain confidence, clarity, and calm about their work.

“My article improved markedly because of her thoughtful feedback.”

— Jeffrey Brune, Associate Professor of History, Gallaudet University


I offer four main services:

developmental editing, line editing, manuscript review, and sensitivity reading.

Click below for more information.

  • I examine your manuscript globally with an eye toward “big picture” items: plot, character development, narrative tension, argument, structure/organization, through-line. You receive a letter with remarks about the strengths and weaknesses of the document and a track changes mark-up of the document.

  • I examine your manuscript more locally with an eye toward syntax, word choice, style, and clarity. This is not the same as proofreading since I do not look at grammar and punctuation. You receive a letter with remarks about the strengths and weaknesses of the document and a track changes mark-up of the document.

  • I examine your manuscript broadly and lay out major concerns wherever they may be (plot, structure, characters, argument, organization). This can be useful for manuscripts that have already received feedback (e.g., revise and resubmit, reviewers reports). I provide a letter with my observations.

  • I examine your manuscript with an attention to how certain topics, issues, and social locations are represented. I focus on disability, race, and gender. My particular specialties lie in academic work, genre fiction, literary fiction, and creative non-fiction.

“If you lookin’ for the answers, then you gotta ask the questions.”

– Ms. Lauryn Hill, The MisEducation of Lauryn Hill, “Forgive Them Father”


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