What’s New in 2025

Happy New Year!


Every year in December, I do an annual clarity retreat. I reflect on the previous year, ask myself what I want, examine limiting beliefs, and make goals. This year, I have a few ambitious writing goals for myself. In addition to publicizing my new book, What Had Happened Was, I plan to start one new(-ish) book project, and push another closer to the finish line.


Without giving too much away, I’ll say the following: my start allows me to leverage the time I’m spending in the classroom. My reading for class will also be the reading for my work! For the more advanced project, I’ll be spending the month of June at the Vermont Studio Center and (I hope) finishing it up there. Each project will require some form of consultation. I envision conversations with people for the first one and securing my own developmental editor for the second.


Of course, I believe in the power of developmental editing! While I am a good editor of my own work, I like assistance.


This year, at Inquiry Editing, I am looking forward to offering my full array of services (described here). Last year, I had a great time reading manuscripts that were in various stages of completion: from a selection of conference papers, to articles, to thorny chapters, to a nearly completed book manuscript. I learned quite a bit from folks and I was thrilled to offer some insight so that they could move their projects forward.


Between you and me, I am interested in expanding Inquiry Editing with a product that might help folks help themselves. Not everyone has access to discretionary funding and not everyone is interested in laying their writing bare for someone else. I get it. But, I am not sure what product you all might need most. Feel free to let me know what you might be interested in!


New Projects


Free December (again)